International Disabilities Day

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International day of Disabilities Commemoration.

We strive to make this activity an island-wide, fun and engaging activity for teachers and students. Schools, in partnership with Good Humans 268 and its membership, should arrange a short program where students will participate in the discussion of who is a person with disabilities, how they function in our society and how they should be treated as members of society.

Schools will be asked to choose a color from the disability flag and students will be expected to wear an item of clothing of the color of the International disability flag chosen by their school at a cost to be established closer to the date.

The funds collected will continue to aid in the mission and vision of Good Humans 268. “Project Red” centered around making positive change for a member of Antigua and Barbuda’s disabled community.

Want to Donate?

Our Payment Systems are currently being set up. If you would like to make a generous donation please do not hesitate to contact our president at or fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.